Monday, February 16, 2009

Applications that run on Samsung Jack i616

I just find it is too frustrated to play with Windows Mobile backed handsets. There're a lot of applications for Windows Mobile based PDAs, but most of them are just not that portable as they do on desktop windows systems. Very frequently, you will find the application you get is not working with your handset, especially if that is running a standard version of the system, which is used on entry level smart phones, such as a smart phones without a touch screen.

Here's a list of third party applications working on my Samsung Jack i616, which is an entry level smart phone nowadays on the market.

GPS Navagator:
Garmin Mobile XT for Windows Mobile v.5.00.20w


Media Player:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Connect Samsung Jack i616 to Internet via computer with bluetooth

Bluetooth itself can share network connections to other paired device, but this does not work on standard windows mobile 6.1 installed on samsung jack. my computers have provided connection services via bluetooth. I thought this would be a solution for me to follow, but the bluetooth on WM6 simply does not list that out as one of the usable service on my computers.

I've tried realy hard for more than 10 hours to connect Samsung Jack to Internet via bluetooth by using my desktop or laptop computers by trying to change the bluetooth settings. then I found this really simple sulution, which reminds me again that I should get familiar with WM6.1 the first before trying things blindly.

The solution? you just need to build activesync connection via bluetooth. the detailed steps to follow is in the activesync's help. Go to activesync on pc and go to help> microsfot activsync help> and click on “Connecting a mobile device to PC” > “connect activesync using bluetooth”.
following the steps in the hlep, you should be able to connect your WM6.1 system to Internet via bluetooth by using your computer's internet connection.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Run bunch of scripts in a batch

simple example for reference.

in batch file:
FOR %%q IN (*.sql) DO isql -d db -U sa -P xxxx -i %%q -o %%q.log
in command line directly:
FOR %q IN (*.sql) DO isql -d db -U sa -P xxxx -i %q -o %q.log

Monday, February 02, 2009

Valid Data Vs Correct Data

A constraint makes sure the data is valid, but it can not guaranty it is correct.

For example, if you use a foreign key to enforce data in child table should have a reference in parent table. you can guaranty the data in child table is valid, but you can not tell if the data is correct. if the primary key is composed of data "male" and "female", as long as data in child table is one of these valid values, it passes the checking of constraint. But you might mistakenly assigned a male a gender of female.

Using foreign key is better than using trigger to validating the data, because foreign key checks the validity before data is entered. In contrast, DML triggers works on data after data has been entered. Trigger can roll the change back, but that requires double work since the data is entered, then undone.

Modify foreign key

In Oracle, you can really modify it with ALTER TABLE MODIFY CONSTRAINT.

In SQL Server or most of other DBs, there's no such statement. you have to drop the constrain the first, recreate it the next.

Oracle might do the same two steps way beneath the scene.