Thursday, December 27, 2012

Some of MySQL Performance Optimition Tips

1. Turn on trace on slow query

E.g. in my.ini
#minimum 1, default 10 seconds
#deprecated after 5.1.12
#as of 5.1.12, use this
#log the queries retrieving all the rows, not necessarily meaning no index existing on the table
#binary log for replication setup
use it if large part of table have been deleted from the table. it reclaims the unused space and defragment the data file.

3. ANALYZE TABLE tbl1,tbl2...
It analyzes and stores the key distribution for a table.

list the indexes defined on the table. it also reports the cardinality(an estimate of the number of unique values in the index) of the index. The higher cardinality it is, the more likely the mysql will use the index.

5. high cardinality column should be indexed as left most index key
MySQL uses multiple-column indexes in such a way that queries are fast when you specify a known quantity for the first column of the index in a WHERE clause, even if you do not specify values for the other columns.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Page Split

It is a phenomenon only on table with clustered index.

When if happens, SQL Server tries to use 50/50 policy,which means half of data remains on old page and half of data goes to newly allocated page.

Non-clustered indexes won't be impacted by page split in version later than 7.0 because they use KEY insgead of RID to locate record.

the reason it can have page split is because table with clustered index is an index and its entries are stored as their sorting orders.


In RDBMS, transactions will be concreted to log files the first, then periodically, the dirty data in memory for those committed transactions are written to data files. Such an operation is usually called checkpoint.

In SQL Server, this happens approximately every minute.

To explicitly request a checkpoint, CHECKPOINT command can be issued.

Other operations, such as database  backup, will also trigger checkpoint.

To record checkpoint event in error log, trace flag 3502 can be enabled.

Checkpoint is captured in log file. It marks the start point of rolling forward operation (replay committed transactions) during database starting up. Uncimmitted transactions after the last checkpoint will be rolled back.

Monday, December 10, 2012


In the situation of moving data around in the database, there are two common methods usually adapted in the circle.

Method 1: CREATE and INSERT

CREATE TABLE targetTbl (

INSERT INTO targetTbl (xxx)
FROM source
WHERE xxx;


INTO targetTbl
FROM source
WHERE xxx;

Which way is better? It depends on the recovery mode set on the database. For both SIMPLE and BULK-LOGGED mode, since SELECT INTO is a bulk operation, it logs minimal information, so that SELECT INTO is more efficient than INSERT method.

What about the comparison under FULL recovery mode? They are about the same.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Observe Locking Behaviour with SQL Profiler


 Assuming you have created test table according to definition in a previous post Observing Locking Behaviour With Extended Events, now launch SQL Server Profiler and define a trace that captures Lock:Acquired and Lock:Released. To avoid noises in the captured events, it's better to only capture events from the interested database and filter out the locking events upon the database.

After creating the tace, it can be exported as tracing script so that you can reuse it later.

Then the trace can be started to trace any statement you want to experiment.

Below is a screen shot of monitored locking events on "select c1,c2 from test".

Control the Tracing

When starting a server side SQL Trace with the script exported from the SQL Profiler, it's better to also know these tools to control the trace and view the captured events.

To abserve the tracing informaiton in the system,
in SQL 2000, use
    SELECT * FROM ::fn_trace_getinfo(default),
in SQL 2005 and above, use
    SELECT * FROM  fn_trace_getinfo (default)
    SELECT * FROM sys.traces
To start(1), stop(0) and close(2) a trace, use
exec sp_trace_setstatus @traceId, 2

To get data from tracing file, in SQL 2000, use ::fn_trace_gettable.
    SELECT * into xxx200 FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('c:\temp\mytrace.trc', default)

In SQL 2005 and above, use sys.fn_trace_gettable.
    SELECT * INTO temp_trc FROM fn_trace_gettable('c:\temp\mytrace.trc', default);

Observe Insert Operation

Start trace and Execute this statement:

insert into test default values

This is the events being captured.
We can see it clearly that it puts IX lock on table the first, then IX lock on the page where the record is to be inserted, then X lock on the row where it ends up, then everything goes a backward order, the X lock on the row is released, then the IX on the page is released, at last the IX on the table is released.

Further checking the page content, we can verify the 1:55:4 contains the data just being inserted.

DBCC traceon(3604)
dbcc page (19,1,55,3)

Slot 4 Offset 0xba Length 15

Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD         Record Attributes =  NULL_BITMAP     Record Size = 15

Memory Dump @0x0000000012D5A0BA

0000000000000000:   10000c00 05000000 40218cb5 030006††††........@!Œยต... 

Slot 4 Column 1 Offset 0x4 Length 4 Length (physical) 4

id = 5                              

Slot 4 Column 2 Offset 0x0 Length 0 Length (physical) 0

c1 = [NULL]                         

Slot 4 Column 3 Offset 0x0 Length 0 Length (physical) 0

c2 = [NULL]                         

Observe Delete Operation

Start tracing and execute this statement.
DELETE FROM test where id=5

Since there's no index created for this table yet, a table scan happens. Below is the captured events.
We can see an IX lock is put on table the first, then it puts IU lock on the page it is accessing, then it puts and releases U locks while searching through each slot in the page, until it finds the slot 4 that contains the row to be deleted. It then changes the IU lock on the page to IX lock, and puts an X lock on the targeted row. It then removes the row. After that, it continues its searching until the end of the table. After the expected operation is done, it goes backward to release the lock gained. It released the X lock on slot 4, then IX lock on page, IX lock on table.

Delete with Clustered Index

Define a clustered primary key on the table:
Alter table test add constraint PK_test_id primary key clustered (id)
After this, the table will be moved to different pages.

Start tracing and issue this statement:

DELETE FROM test where id=3

Oops, it has much more events happening than the last test. An example that table scan is more efficient than the index seek on a small table. I won't post the result here because the tool has been provided.

Major differences are
1. U lock no longer being observed, S lock is used to search the data
2. RID look-up is replaced with Key look-up
3. Index metadata retrieving is extra operation
4. Index operation is extra operation

Exported Tracing Script

Below is a trace script generated by the SQL Profiler for SQL Server 2005 and above.

/* Created by: SQL Server 2008 R2 Profiler          */
/* Date: 12/05/2012  12:24:57 AM         */

-- Create a Queue
declare @rc int
declare @TraceID int
declare @maxfilesize bigint
set @maxfilesize = 5

-- Please replace the text InsertFileNameHere, with an appropriate
-- filename prefixed by a path, e.g., c:\MyFolder\MyTrace. The .trc extension
-- will be appended to the filename automatically. If you are writing from
-- remote server to local drive, please use UNC path and make sure server has
-- write access to your network share

exec @rc = sp_trace_create @TraceID output, 0, N'InsertFileNameHere', @maxfilesize, NULL
if (@rc != 0) goto error

-- Client side File and Table cannot be scripted

-- Set the events
declare @on bit
set @on = 1
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 24, 32, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 24, 56, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 24, 1, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 24, 57, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 24, 3, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 24, 51, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 24, 4, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 24, 12, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 24, 22, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 60, 32, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 60, 56, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 60, 1, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 60, 57, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 60, 3, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 60, 51, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 60, 4, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 60, 12, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 60, 22, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 23, 32, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 23, 56, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 23, 1, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 23, 57, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 23, 22, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 23, 3, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 23, 51, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 23, 4, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 23, 12, @on

-- Set the Filters
declare @intfilter int
declare @bigintfilter bigint
--Set the database id here
set @intfilter = 19
exec sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 3, 0, 0, @intfilter
--filter out database level event
set @intfilter = 2
exec sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 57, 0, 1, @intfilter

-- Set the trace status to start
exec sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 1

-- display trace id for future references
select TraceID=@TraceID
goto finish

select ErrorCode=@rc


--stop the tracing
exec sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 0
--close the tracing
exec sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 2

--load trace information into table for further analysis
--SELECT * INTO temp_trc FROM fn_trace_gettable('c:\temp\mytrace.trc', default);

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Over Clause vs Group By Clause

It used to determine the partitioning and ordering of a row set before the associated window function is applied. The window function includes Ranking functions, Aggregation functions, Analytic functions etc.

In SQL Server 2012, You can use the OVER clause with functions to compute aggregated values such as moving averages, cumulative aggregates, running totals, or a top N per group results. Before that, only Ranking function can work with Order By.

(Order By in OVER happens before the ORDER BY clause in a SELECT statement)

Aggregation functions working with GROUP BY aggregates the result set according to the columns in GROUP BY, and the result set is presented according to GROUP BY.

OVER works with a window of result set, it provides the running aggregations over the window and for each of the row in the window. It replaces what we have to do with sub-queries and it is more efficient than sub-queries.

Monday, December 03, 2012

GO [count]

This a reminder that you can run the batch for [count] times. if each column allows null, you can also specify default values to quickly prepare some test data.
insert into test default values;
go 10

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Observing Locking Behaviour With Extended Events (SQL Server 2008 +)

Tracking extended events is similar to SQL Trace, but it runs at a much lower level than SQL Trace, so that much more lower level events can be tracked and revealed. For example, it can be used to troubleshoot excessive CPU usage,deadlocks and examine how the locks are used inside SQL Server.

The code samples listed here are typical steps of using extended events.

--Assuming I have a database called TestDB and its ID is 19
--You can use dynamic SQL to avoid doing this step
select DB_ID('TestDB')
-- Perform cleanup.
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.server_event_sessions WHERE name='ObservingLocking') 

-- create extended event
ADD EVENT sqlserver.lock_acquired(where database_id = 19),
ADD EVENT sqlserver.lock_released(where database_id = 19 )
ADD TARGET package0.asynchronous_file_target(set filename = 'c:\temp\ObservingLocking.log')
    MAX_MEMORY = 4096KB,

--start the event capturing 
-- experiments workload here
--begin transaction

--stop event capturing

--remove extended event

--Read the captured event tracing data. I usually remove the trace files before a new test
declare @Temp table (ID int identity(1,1), EventData xml)
insert into @Temp(EventData)
select  cast(event_data as xml) event_data
 from sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file ('c:\temp\ObservingLocking_0*', 'c:\temp\ObservingLocking0_*.xem', null, null) a;

 with x as (
                a.ID, x.value('../@name', 'varchar(128)') EventName, x.value('../@timestamp', 'datetime') EventTime,
                x.value('@name','varchar(128)') [Col], case when isnull(rtrim(x.value('(./text)[1]', 'varchar(128)')), '') = '' then x.value('(.)[1]', 'varchar(128)') else x.value('(./text)[1]', 'varchar(128)') end [Value]
        from @Temp a
            cross apply EventData.nodes('//data') ed(x)
select *
    select ID, EventName, resource_type ResourceType,
            mode Mode, resource_0 Res0, resource_1 Res1,
            resource_2 Res2, lockspace_workspace_id, lockspace_sub_id,
            lockspace_nest_id, owner_type OwnerType,transaction_id TransID,
            database_id DBID, EventTime
    from x
    pivot( MAX([Value]) for Col in ([resource_type], [mode], [owner_type], [transaction_id], [database_id], [lockspace_workspace_id], [lockspace_sub_id], [lockspace_nest_id], [resource_0], [resource_1], [resource_2])) pvt
    ) y
where ResourceType not in ('METADATA') and Mode not in ('NL')

Then let's do some experiments in a new Query window.

--create test table in TestDB
create table test(id int identity,c1 varchar(10),c2 int);
--insert some data
insert into test (c1,c2)values('Tired',1),('Exciting',2),('Happy',3);
--go back to another query window and start event capturing
--issue a simple select statement
select c1,c2 from test
--go back to another window and stop the tracing
--now load the log and examine it

How to understand the result?

It says first the SQL Server acquired a shared lock on database, then it got released, then it acquired IS lock on object 2105058535 that is test table in this example, it went further to put an IS lock on a page in test table, then it was released, then the shared lock was acquired and release couple time on database.

Wait, why there is no expected S lock on the rows being retrieved?

Theoretically, when SQL Server tries to read with SELECT statement, it starts to apply an IS lock on the table, then page, then issue an S lock on a record that it is going to read, then release the S lock, then put S lock onto next record, it does so until all the records are accessed then release IS lock on the page, then the table. An exceptions here is if all the records in a page have not been changed since last time the page is written to disk, SQL Server will only apply IS lock on the page without having to use S locks on the records. This reduces the overhead of getting/releasing locks.

Note: IS lock never goes to ROW level, it follows a patch of database then table and then page.
It is an intention of S lock on lower level.

Credit of this post is going to MVP John Huang, as well as MSDN.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Components of SQL Server Engine

Four major components:

Protocol layer: interprete betwwen client and relational engine
Relational engine/Query Processor: parse,compile,optimize query.
Storage engine: access data
SQLOS: thread management, deadlock detention, buffer management

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Examine The Datetime Values

Accuracy of Datetime in SQL Server is 0.00333 millisecond. The millisecond part of value will be converted to a closer times of 0.00333, which is also rounded up to the precision of 1/1000.

0.00333 * 2 = 0.00666
0.00333 * 3 = 0.00999

SET@testDT ='2012-11-11 00:01:00.003'
--this returns  '2012-11-11 00:01:00.003'
SET  @testDT ='2012-11-11 00:01:00.004'
--This returns  '2012-11-11 00:01:00.003'. Because 0.004 is closer to 0.00333 than 0.00666
SET  @testDT ='2012-11-11 00:01:00.005'
-- --This returns  '2012-11-11 00:01:00.007'. Because 0.005 is closer to 0.00666 than 0.00333
--0.00666-0.005=0.00166; 0.005-0.00333= 0.00167
SET  @testDT ='2012-11-11 00:01:00.006'
--SET  @testDT ='2012-11-11 00:01:00.007' 
--SET  @testDT ='2012-11-11 00:01:00.008'  
--above values will all be converted to 0.007 because they are closer to 0.00666 than 0.00999
SET  @testDT ='2012-11-11 00:01:00.009' 
--This returns  '2012-11-11 00:01:00.010'


Another copy and paste article mainly originated from SQL Server Storage Engine Blog  and SQL Server 2008 internals.


DBCC IND ( { 'dbname' | dbid }, { 'objname' | objid },
{ nonclustered indid | 1 | 0 | -1 | -2 } [, partition_number] )

DBCC IND command is used to see which pages have which data, as well as which pages precede and follow various pages in all levels of the index.Basically, examine composition of index.

The first parameter is the database name or the database ID. The second parameter is an
object name or object ID within the database; the object can be either a table or an indexed
view. The third parameter is a specifi c nonclustered index ID (2-250 or 256-1005) or the
values 1, 0, –1, or –2. The values for this parameter have the following meanings:
■ 0 Displays information for in-row data pages and in-row IAM pages of the specifi ed
■ 1 Displays information for all pages, including IAM pages, data pages, and any
existing LOB pages or row-overflow pages of the requested object. If the requested
object has a clustered index, the index pages are included.
■ –1 Displays information for all IAMs, data pages, and index pages for all indexes on
the specifi ed object. This includes LOB and row-overflow data.
■ –2 Displays information for all IAMs for the specified object.
■ Nonclustered index ID Displays information for all IAMs, data pages, and index
pages for one index. This includes LOB and row-overflow data that might be part of
the index’s included columns.

Column Descriptions for DBCC IND Output
  • PageFID - the file ID of the page
  • PagePID - the page number in the file
  • IAMFID - the file ID of the IAM page that maps this page (this will be NULL for IAM pages themselves as they're not self-referential)
  • IAMPID - the page number in the file of the IAM page that maps this page
  • ObjectID - the ID of the object this page is part of
  • IndexID - the ID of the index this page is part of
  • PartitionNumber - the partition number (as defined by the partitioning scheme for the index) of the partition this page is part of
  • PartitionID - the internal ID of the partition this page is part of
  • PageType - the page type. Some common ones are:
    • 1 - data page
    • 2 - index page
    • 3 and 4 - text pages
    • 8 - GAM page
    • 9 - SGAM page
    • 10 - IAM page
    • 11 - PFS page
  • IndexLevel - what level the page is at in the index (if at all). Remember that index levels go from 0 at the leaf to N at the root page (except in clustered indexes in SQL Server 2000 and 7.0 - where there's a 0 at the leaf level (data pages) and a 0 at the next level up (first level of index pages))
  • NextPageFID and NextPagePID - the page ID of the next page in the doubly-linked list of pages at this level of the index
  • PrevPageFID and PrevPagePID - the page ID of the previous page in the doubly-linked list of pages at this level of the index

Create a table to hold result dumped from DBCC IND. This technique is also often used to take snapshot of database status.

(PageFID tinyint,
PagePID int,
IAMFID tinyint,
ObjectID int,
IndexID tinyint,
PartitionNumber tinyint,
PartitionID bigint,
iam_chain_type varchar(30),
PageType tinyint,
IndexLevel tinyint,
NextPageFID tinyint,
NextPagePID int,
PrevPageFID tinyint,
PrevPagePID int,
Primary Key (PageFID, PagePID));


INSERT INTO sp_IndexPages
EXEC ('DBCC IND (AdventureWorks2008, [Sales.SalesOrderDetail], -1)');

SELECT IndexLevel
, PageFID
, PagePID
, PrevPageFID
, PrevPagePID
, NextPageFID
, NextPagePID
FROM IndexPages
ORDER BY IndexLevel DESC, PrevPagePID;

Note: Use sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats to check the index level and its page numbers in each level.

SELECT index_depth AS D
, index_level AS L
, record_count AS 'Count'
, page_count AS PgCnt
, avg_page_space_used_in_percent AS 'PgPercentFull'
, min_record_size_in_bytes AS 'MinLen'
, max_record_size_in_bytes AS 'MaxLen'
, avg_record_size_in_bytes AS 'AvgLen'
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats
(DB_ID ('test')
, OBJECT_ID ('test')

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


This is copied from

dbcc page ( {'dbname' | dbid}, filenum, pagenum [, printopt={0|1|2|3} ])

The printopt parameter has the following meanings:

  • 0 - print just the page header
  • 1 - page header plus per-row hex dumps and a dump of the page slot array (unless its a page that doesn't have one, like allocation bitmaps)
  • 2 - page header plus whole page hex dump
  • 3 - page header plus detailed per-row interpretation

The per-row interpretation work for all page types, including allocation bitmaps.
By default, the output is sent to the errorlog. If you want the output to come back to your current connection, turn on trace flag 3604.

DBCC traceon(3604)
DBCC PAGE (master, 1, 1, 0);

Monday, November 19, 2012

SQL Server Table and Index Structure

Most of this post is about a collection from MSDN.

SQL Server uses B+ tree to create index. That means it can be not balanced.

In a B-Tree index, each page contains pointers pointing to previous page and next page in the same index level. In SQL Server, it has 96 bytes for the header. This is same in both index page and data page. In the data part of the index page, each index row points to page in next level towards to leaf.

Another type of index is bitmap index, which is not supported in SQL Server. It's designed for rows with lot of duplicate and good for analytic processes. Its overhead on DML is heavier than B-Tree index.


A table is contained in one or more partitions and each partition contains data rows in either a heap or a clustered index structure. The pages of the heap or clustered index are managed in one or more allocation units, depending on the column types in the data rows.

A partition is a user-defined unit of data organization. When a table or index uses multiple partitions, the data is partitioned horizontally so that groups of rows are mapped into individual partitions, based on a specified column. The partitions can be put on one or more filegroups in the database.

To view the partitions used by a table or index, use the sys.partitions (Transact-SQL) catalog view.

Allocation Unit:

HEAP: a table without a clustered index

index_id=0 in sys.partitions.

The data rows are not stored in any particular order, and there is no particular order to the sequence of the data pages. The data pages are not linked in a linked list

The column first_iam_page in the sys.system_internals_allocation_units system view points to the first IAM page in the chain of IAM(Index Allocation Map) pages that manage the space allocated to the heap in a specific partition. SQL Server uses the IAM pages to move through the heap. The data pages and the rows within them are not in any specific order and are not linked. The only logical connection between data pages is the information recorded in the IAM pages.

Clustered Index Structure:

 index_id=1 in sys.partitions table

Non-Clustered index Structure:

index_id>1 in sys.partitions

Each index row contains the nonclustered key value, a row locator (RID or Clustered index Keys) and any included, or nonkey, columns.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Why Clustered Index Must Be Unique?

It is so that nonclustered index entries can point to exactly one specific row.

Some people may argue they can create clustered index upon non-unique column and without specifying unique keyword. That's true. In that case, SQL Server adds hidden unique identifier column to the rows when necessary.

Since clustered index keys are included in every nonclustered index, so that clustered index keys are the most duplicate and redundant data in a table. The choose of clustered index keys should be narrow so that it won't take too much storage.

Clustered index keys should also static so that it won't cause data relocation and page split, as well as updating nonclustered indexes.

Unique, narrow and static are also characters when a PK is defined.

Duplicate Index

A index is duplicated if its tree structure and usage are the same as another one on the same table.

sp-helpindex can't tell you if indexes are really the same on tree structure and usage.


Clustered index is the data.

Non-clustered index is duplicated data. These duplicated data  helps SQL Server efficiently find the real data.


Non-Clustered index Structure:
. Key
. A leaf level entry(actual data stored in index+lookup values+included columns)

Here lookup values are either clustered index key if table has clustered index or RID if table is a heap. It's used to look for actual data row.

A RID is an 8-byte structure consisting of 2:4:2 bytes which breakdown into 2 for the FileID, 4 for the PageID and 2 for the slot number.

For non-unique non-clustered index, clustered keys are stored in both its tree and leaf nodes.
For unique non-clustered index, clustered key are stored only in its leaf nodes.

(A nonunique nonclustered needs to have the lookup value pushed up into the tree (for navigation). A unique nonclustered index does not.)

Sequence of included columns does not matter on usage of index so that difference on the sequence will be ignored.

Credit to Kimberly. Understanding Duplicate Indexes

unique nonclustered needs to have the lookup value pushed up into the tree (for navigation). A unique nonclustered index does not.

Read more:
A RID is an 8-byte structure consisting of 2:4:2 bytes which breakdown into 2 for the FileID, 4 for the PageID and 2 for the slot number

Read more:
A RID is an 8-byte structure consisting of 2:4:2 bytes which breakdown into 2 for the FileID, 4 for the PageID and 2 for the slot number.

Read more:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Identifying Unused Indexes in Database

Some indexes are never used, some indexes become useless(are forgotten by optimizer) when new indexes are created. In SQL Server 2005 and above, we have a simple way to identify those indexes no longer useful. Thanks to the very useful DMV sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats.

Limit: SQL Server has to run for a while to experience most of the regular work load in a database.

SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(i.object_id) AS SchemaName ,
OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id) AS TableName , ,
ius.user_seeks ,
ius.user_scans ,
ius.user_lookups ,
FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats AS ius
JOIN sys.indexes AS i ON i.index_id = ius.index_id
AND i.object_id = ius.object_id
WHERE ius.database_id = DB_ID()
AND i.is_unique_constraint = 0 -- no unique indexes
AND i.is_primary_key = 0
AND i.is_disabled = 0
AND i.type > 1 -- don't consider heaps/clustered index
    ( ius.user_seeks + ius.user_scans +ius.user_lookups ) < ius.user_updates
    ( ius.user_seeks = 0 AND ius.user_scans = 0)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Left most index key

It should be most selective(more distinct values) because this reduces the number of database pages that must be read by the database engine while traversing the index, in order to satisfy the query.

Keep in mind that SQL Server's index has an entry for each of the row in underlying table, no matter they are unique or duplicate.

About included columns

It can be only used with non-clustered indexes.

The key columns are stored in all level of an index, while included columns are stored only at leaf level of an index.

Typical usage of included columns is to create a covering index, which contains all columns required by a query, either key columns or included columns. It's a way to remove bookmark(key look up)/RID look up in execution plan. (decreasing I/O required to return data.)


-- The non-key columns do not count towards the limitation of 900 bytes key size or 16-columns.

--The non-key columns can use data types not allowed by index key columns;
(all data types except the varbinary (max) columns that have the FILESTREAM attribute, the legacy text, ntext, and image are supported.)

-- Major solution to expensive bookmark look up


-- Using of included columns will result in higher disk space usage in order to store the index,
-- An increase in I/O demands
-- Lower buffer cache efficiency
-- Reduced performance of data modification operations

Doomed(uncommittable) Transaction

Doomed transactions are introduced with TRY/CATCH implementation introduced since SQL Server 2005. When it happens, the request cannot commit the transaction or roll back to a savepoint; it can only request a full rollback of the transaction.

XACT_STATE() can be used to detect the situation. And it's suggested to always check its value in CATCH block.

1: has active user transaction.@@TRANCOUNT>0
0: no active user transaction. @@TRANCOUNT=0
-1: Doomed transaction , need rollback

--or use raiserror function
select convert(int,'abc')
commit tran
if XACT_STATE()=-1
    print 'uncommittable transaction, roll it back'

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Some Facts on Error message in SQL Server

@@ERROR function returns the most recent error code. 0 means no error.

Error level is break down to these categories:
1 - 10: warning
11- 16: errors can be corrected by user
17 - 19: more serious exceptions, such as out of memory.
20 -25: fatal connection and server level exceptions.

Who followed that? Even MS does not. So information purpose.

 RAISERROR without specifying message id uses 50000 as its message id.

Error level can be overridden by specifying new number other than -1. -1 one means to use error level defined in sys.messages.

When creating custom messages, message number ranges 50000 to 2147483647. The message is added by sp_addMessage procedure. Message text and severity can be updated by also using same procedure with @replace='Replace'. sp_alterMessage can be used to change other parts of message. sp_dropMessage to drop user defined message. Apparently, the first two procedures are not well designed, bear with them and remember them.

Error can be logged to SQL Server's error log by using WITH LOG if invoked by sysadmin or user having ALTER TRACE permission.

Transaction, Batch and Exception in SQL Server

Transaction and batch can include each other, exception can stop a batch but usually never rollback a transaction. In the case of exception with error level equal or above 20, since SQL Server tries to close the connection or terminate the process, the transaction will be rolled back as I can imagine.
Transaction has characters of ACID. It guarrantties atomic operations between statements included in it. Batch is a way to submit a bounch of statements in one effort. SQL Server compiles a query plan for a batch.
1. Transaction can have multiple batches



begin tran;
create table t(i1 int,c1 varchar(10));
select @@TRANCOUNT;
insert into t values(1,'a'),(2,'b');
select @@TRANCOUNT;
select * from t;
select @@TRANCOUNT;
select * from t;
2. A Batch can be composed of several transactions. In the following example, two transactions are submitted to database in one batch.


begin tran;
create table t(i1 int,c1 varchar(10));
select @@TRANCOUNT as numTrans_1;

begin tran;
insert into t values(1,'a'),(2,'b');
select @@TRANCOUNT  as numTrans_1;

select @@TRANCOUNT  as numTrans_0;
select * from t;
drop table t;

3. Exception and Batch

3.1 Statement level exception

SQL Server continue to execute rest of a batch should a statement level exception happens. The statement itself fails of course.
select power(3, 32)
print 'this still runs'
--print is better than select in this test case since it's printed together with error message

3.2 Batch level exception

SQL Server stops running rest of statements in a batch when batch level 3xception happens. The exception also bubbles up each level of calling stacks, and aborts all of them. Connection to SQL server is still good.
select convert(tinyint, 'aaa')
select 'this will not execute'

--following code demonstrate exception bubbling up
create procedure bubbleUp
select convert(tinyint,'aaa')

exec bubbleUp
select 'this will not return'
3.3 Connection level exception

The connection to the SQL Server will be closed if it happens.This is usually caused by internal server errors. I haven't tried that hard to make it happen. :)

Exception with error level 20 or above will make SQL Server to terminate the process.

Note: My connection kept alive even after SQL Server said it was terminating the process. MS really knows how to give us hard time on its error handling mechanism, like you can never make a clear understanding on state returned in error message.
select top 1 * from sys.objects
raiserror('this test will break the connection.',20,1) with log;
select top 1 * from sys.objects
(1 row(s) affected)
Msg 2745, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
Process ID 51 has raised user error 50000, severity 20. SQL Server is terminating this process.
Msg 50000, Level 20, State 1, Line 2
this test will break the connection.
Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0
A severe error occurred on the current command.  The results, if any, should be discarded.

3.4 Parsing and scope-resolution level exception

They will act like batch level exception if they happen in the same scope as rest of statements in a batch; They will act like statement level exception if they happen in lower level scope such as in a procedure or function called in a batch.
--direct in a batch
selectxyz from table
select 'this will not run'

--in lower scope of a batch, such as in another statement
exec('selectxyz from table')
select 'this will return'

--scope resolution
--this will be created because syntax is correct

create procedure scopeResolutionException
select xxx from nonExistingTable

--this will fail because querying non-existing table
exec scopeResolutionException
select 'this will execute'
--also clean it up
drop procedure scopeResolutionException

-- scope resolution error, whole batch is aborted
select xxx from nonExistingTable
select 'this will not execute'

NOTE: when a statement is committed to SQL Server, SQL Server does parsing and compilation together. For a stored script, SQL Server parses the syntax but does not compile execution plan at same time. It uses late binding and create execution plan upon the time it executes the stored unit.

Understanding the different level of exceptions in SQL Server is necessary since we can't handle the them well without knowing them the first. But to figure out what exception belongs to what exception type is tedious and cumbersome. The people who understand this well won't bother to deal with each situation, the people who do not understand this well also made success program, why?


This is our star. It aborts both batch and transaction when any level of exception occurs. Aborting transaction here means rolling back the transaction. It turns all the complex situations into one simple scenario: stop running rest of code, rollback transaction and bubble up exception to caller(if there's no TRY/CATCH).

To make a full use of it, it's better to use explicit transaction to organize related operations into one atomic transaction. Then most of time, you just need to remember to have the transaction committed.


For the situation TRY/CATCH is used in the code, please see this post:

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Building a String From Multiple Records

In SQL Server, there are multiple ways to build up a string from values distributed in multiple record.


Create table #m (id int identity,c1 varchar(200))
create table #c (id int,c1 varchar(20))
insert into #m(c1) values(1)
 insert into #c(id, c1) values

Method 1, using variable and SELECT statement.

Declare @v1 varchar(200)
SET @v1=''
SELECT @v1 = @v1 + c1 +';'

Method 2, a little bit XML and string operation, if you are still using SQL Server 2000.

The good of FOR XML is it returns result in one XML document, which can be treated as a string. Soemtimes it's handy and useful when you want to display master records with result from child tables.

This is also an example on when you want to use sub-query in your statement.
Why the hell they invent so many names for a query used in a query(embeded query)?

SELECT list --> Sub-query
FROM --> Derived table
WHERE --> Correlated sub-query.

(select c1 from #c c where FOR XML AUTO),
from #m m

When this technique is used in update statement, it sometimes has advantages over the other ways such as using cursor and loop because of its conciseness.

Friends using Oracle? use LISTAGG function to have a single row output from multiple rows operated.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Methods of Importing Data into SQL Server Database

This is a brief of options you can use to import/export data into/from SQL Server database. And These are the methods shipped with SQL Server.

1. Export/Import Data Wizard
2. SSIS (can by created from 1)
3. BCP

Can be invokded by xp_cmdshell if it has to be used in SQL script.

Here is its syntax and usage:

--generate format file(non-xml or xml format file.)

bcp dbs.dbolocation format nul -T -c  -f Currency.fmt

Trick: if you are using query and need to create format file for it, you can either
generating one from table the first and then manually modify it, or you can create a view in database and then generate format file from the using the view.
--import using format file


Another version of BCP. It is a T-SQL Command, Can be used directly in SQL script.

BULK INSERT dbo.location
FROM 'C:\locationData.txt'


It's a T-SQL command. It can be used to import data from various data sources, such as spreadsheet, etc.

It's often used with INSERT INTO statement.

INSERT INTO dbo.Location
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('csv drive','csvfile.txt')

I have an example to load XML file into database for further transformation.

create table #tmpXML (xml315 XML);
   BULK '''+@XMLFilePath+''',
   SINGLE_BLOB) AS xfile(xContent)'
INSERT INTO [dbo].[ShipmentStatusMessage]
 r.value('./MessageSender[1]', 'NVARCHAR(15)'),
 r.value('./MessageRecipient[1]', 'NVARCHAR(15)'),
 r.value('./MessageDate[1]', 'NVARCHAR(8)'),
 r.value('./MessageTime[1]', 'NVARCHAR(8)'),
 r.value('./MessageID[1]', 'NVARCHAR(20)'),
 r.value('./Filename[1]', 'NVARCHAR(50)'),
 r.value('./X-12[1]', 'NVARCHAR(2000)'),
 r.query('./ShipmentStatus/VesselInformation/VesselName').value('.', 'NVARCHAR(28)'),
 r.query('ShipmentStatus/VesselInformation/VesselCode').value('.', 'NVARCHAR(8)'),
 r.query('ShipmentStatus/VesselInformation/VesselCodeQualifier').value('.', 'NVARCHAR(1)'),
 r.query('ShipmentStatus/VesselInformation/VoyageNumber').value('.', 'NVARCHAR(10)'),
 r.query('ShipmentStatus/VesselInformation/OperatingCarrier').value('.', 'NVARCHAR(10)')
 from #tmpXML
 cross apply xml315.nodes('//ShipmentStatusMessage') as T(r)

Similar to OPENROWSET. I see people treat it as a table and do insert, update and delete on it.


Another T-SQL Command you can use directly in SQL Server. To use it, linked server
will have to be created the first. A linked server is a static data source comparing to the ones created on the fly in the opendatasource or openrowset.

8. LINKED Server

You can issue query against linked server straight forward.

Assuming you have created a linked server to another SQL Server database and you called it abc123, in OPENQUERY, you can use it this way:

select * from OPENQUERY(abc123,''select * from aTable)

Or, you can query linked server directly like this:

select * from abc123..aTable

Friday, November 02, 2012

Index Scan

Generally, when query optimizer chooses index scan, it thinks that is a most efficient way to execute the query based on its understanding on the context when the query is executed. It can be because of how the query is written, how the indexes are built on the underlying tables and how the statistics have been updated. 

A non-selective queries likely to have index scan or table scan. If that is the nature of the query, index or table scan is inevitable, and sometimes, if the table is small, that is actually a more efficient way to go. For many other situations, for the unwanted index or table scan, there are means to change the query, change the indexes on the tables to turn them to index seek, which in most of cases are more efficient than index or table scan.

A query can not seek on an index if the query does not filter on index's left most indexed column(index key). This is because SQL Server only maintains the key distribution for an index's left most column. Many times, even the index key appears in the criteria, but it is used in a function or it is implicitly converted to another data type, the optimizer ends up index or table scan because the operation makes it non-deterministic.

Note: The order of columns in where clause is irrelevant.

Let's do some experiments to discover some of the situations that will end up with index scan. Suggestions on how to make them more efficient are also given.


Let's create a table with 3 columns, prepare some data, and build an index on first two columns.

create table test(id int identity,a int, b int, c int)
insert into test(a,b,c)
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by a.object_id),
RANK() over (order by a.object_id),
DENSE_RANK() over (order by a.object_id)
from sys.columns a cross join sys.columns b
create index ix_a_b on test(a,b)

Non-clustered Index scan

1. Fields in criteria and select list are all covered by underlying non-clustered index, but the operator is open or result is most of the table content.

    select a,b from test where a not in (100,101)
    -- this can be tuned by specifying a <100 or a>101
    select a,b from test
    -- this is not likely to be further tuned.

2. Fields in criteria and select list are all covered by underlying non-clustered index, but there's a function call or operation on the column used in the criteria.

    select a,b from test where a+1 =1000 -- this can be tuned by using a=999
    select a,b from test where abs(a) =1000 -- this can be tuned by using  a =1000 or a=-1000
----glad to see the implicit conversion between varchar and nvarchar no longer ends up with index or table scan in SQL Server 2012.

3. Criteria contains first indexed column, the operator is enclosing, but the column is operated by a function or operation.
    select a,b,c from test where abs(a) =1000 -- this can be tuned by using  a =1000 or a=-1000

Clustered Index scan

Recreate the table. Intention here is to make our experiment as simple as possible.

drop table test
create table test(id int identity,a int, b int, c int)
insert into test(a,b,c)
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by a.object_id),
RANK() over (order by a.object_id),
DENSE_RANK() over (order by a.object_id)
from sys.columns a cross join sys.columns b
create clustered index ix_a on test(a)

1. For a query to select all rows from a table, if the table has a clustered index, it will end up with clustered index scan, which is essentially a table scan.

    select a,b,c from test

2.  Fields in criteria and select list are all covered by underlying non-clustered index, but the operator is open or result is most of the table content.

    select a from test where a not in (999,1000 )
--optimizer is smart enough to use index seek if there is only one value in the parentheses.

3. Fields in select list are not covered by any indexes created on the table and column used as predicate is not straight. This becomes table scan/clustered index scan.

     select a,b,c from test where a+1 =1000

4. Criteria contains only non-indexed columns, optimizer has no good predicate to use. it ends up table scan/clustered index scan.

     select * from test where c =1000

The situation that will cause index scan is very complex and may change over the time when statistics on column and indexes are not accurately updated. Please do not take the situations here as granted, you will have to check the execution plan to understand why it ends up with certain operations in your very specific execution context.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Define Default Parameter in User Defined Funciton

I have a user defined function like this.

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_FormatCSVString]
    @inString varchar(200), @inFixedLength tinyint=2

    DECLARE @csvResult VARCHAR(300), @position smallint, @strLen smallint
    SET @strLen = LEN(@inString)
    SET @position=1
    SET @csvResult=''
    IF @strLen<=@inFixedLength OR @inFixedLength<=0
        RETURN @inString
    WHILE @position<=@strLen
        SET @csvResult = @csvResult + SUBSTRING(@inString,@position,@inFixedLength)+','
        SET @position = @position+ @inFixedLength

    RETURN SUBSTRING(@csvResult,1,LEN(@csvResult)-1)


Can you call it with second parameter ignored?
    SELECT [dbo].[fn_FormatCSVString]('abc123')

No, SQL Server won't allow you to do that. You will have to either specify default or  provide a meaningful parameter for that.
    SELECT [dbo].[fn_FormatCSVString]('abc123',default)
    SELECT [dbo].[fn_FormatCSVString]('abc123',3)

Do not know why MS does this differently from what they do on procedures. I guess this is something you have to remember. It can also be a tricky question in the DB interview to see if they are detail oriented.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Rows in sysindexes is not accurate

Jan 23, 2013
In Oracle, you use this to figure out the number of records in a table.
select owner,table_name,num_rows from all_tables where table_name=upper('xxx')

This is what I learned today.

Rows column in sysindexes is not accurate and thus can't be used to determine number of rows in the associated table. The row_count in the new sys.dm_db_partition_stats is also not reliable. That makes result from sp_spaceused also not accurate since it relies on those system views.

So it comes a conclusion that it should not be used in program for your business need, but it is still good for DBA to use for system maintenance or to quickly get a rough row counts in large table to fulfill on-demand request.

Here is a script you can use in SQL 2005 and above to get a list of index and their row counts on a table.The sum of row_count is the number reported in sp_spaceUsed.

select,s.partition_id, i.type_desc,s.row_count
from sys.indexes i join sys.dm_db_partition_stats s
on i.object_id=s.object_id and i.index_id=s.index_id
where i.object_id=object_id('dbo.tablename')

sysindexes view is to be deprecated so that try not to use it in the work.

In order to get more accurate result,DBCC UPDATEUSAGE WITH COUNT_ROWS can be executed, and sp_spaceused can be used afterword to get row counts at that moment.

Note, exec sp_spaceused @updateusage = ‘true’ equals running DBCC UPDATEUSAGE before running sp_spaceused, it won't update rows used in sysindexes or sys.dm_db_partition_stats.

Why SQL Server cannot guarantee accurate allocation information and row counts? It is said in an article that the reason is to reduce database blocking. If table space allocation and row count information were to be maintained accurately on every INSERT and DELETE, or when an index is dropped, or when a large bulk copy operation is performed, database concurrency could suffer as users in a high transaction environment wait for their transactions to complete as the space information is maintained in real time. I will take it for now.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Reduce Lock Contention in SQL Server

it is from

Locking in SQL Server helps ensure consistency when reading and writing to the database. There is always a tradeoff in any relational database system between concurrency and consistency. It is always important to maintain consistency, or accuracy, of the data. However, the highest levels of consistency can result in less concurrency, or worse performance, if the proper steps are not taken.

Sometime, database performance tuning is the art of choosing the right tradeoffs.

The following methods can be used to reduce lock contention and increase overall throughput: 

1. Avoid situations in which many processes are attempting to perform updates or inserts on the same data page. For example, in version 6.x and earlier, if there is no clustered index on a table, or if the clustered index consists of a nonrandom value, such as an ever-increasing key value, all inserts will go on the last page of a table. This particular hotspot situation can be avoided by creating a clustered index on a value that will insure each user and/or process is inserting to a different page in the table.

2. Avoid transactions that include user interaction. Because locks are held for the duration of the transaction, a single user can degrade the entire systems performance.

3. Keep transactions that modify data as short as possible. The longer the transaction, the longer the exclusive or update locks are held. This blocks other activity and can lead to an increased number of deadlock situations.

4. Keep transactions in one batch. Unanticipated network problems may delay transactions from completing and thus releasing locks.

5. Avoid pessimistic locking hints such as holdlock whenever possible. They can cause processes to wait even on shared locks.

6. optimistic concurrency control can be specified in read-only environment

7. avoid expensive calculations while locks were hold.

8. design the code to have different phases so that to reduce the locking in shortest period on the shared resources. this is extremely useful in ETL's staging concept.

Friday, October 19, 2012

forcing recompilation

Ways to force stored procedure recompilation:

Eexecute with recompile
Ccreate procedure with recompile
Remove plan from cache: dbcc freeproccache
Create temporary table inside stored procedure

enforce automatic proceure recompilation

mixing DDL and DML will make procedure to be recompiled each time it meets the first DML after DDL. A common use of this would be creating temporary table in begining of procedure. But remember to put all creation statements in one place so that recompilation happens only one time. if DDL and DML are mixed several times, the procedure will be recompiled for several times.

other situations that make procedure recompiled include
- table structure change
- index change, even adding irelevant index on relafed tables
- number of rows being changed 3xceeds the threshold

NoLock was blocked

For nolock in SQL Server, it's equivalent to READUNCOMMITTED transaction isolation level. It will not be blocked by other locks event exclusive locks but SCH-M (schema modification lock) because it does put S lock on DB and SCH-S(stability) lock on table.

Today, when I issued a query like "select * from test nolock", it was blocked by an update statement from another connection. I was so confused and began to doubt if my knowledge is solid. :(
Then after a while I realized that for nolock table hint, it does not require WITH keyword, but it needs to be enclosed in brackets\parentheses. In the experimented statement, the nolock was treated as table alias. after correcting it to be "select * from test (nolock)", it executed as expected.

A subtle mistake to me today.

Database file system, a practice

A record of my experiment. I will make it more complete later.

1. table design.
A file system entity is either a file or a directory. a file belongs to a directory. root directory belongs to itself.
1.1 ERD

1.2 Creation and Initialization
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBFile](
    [ID] [bigint] identity(0,1) NOT NULL,
    [Name] [varchar](250) NOT NULL,
    [Type] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [Parent] [bigint] NULL,
    [Content] [varbinary](max) NULL,
    [ID] ASC



REFERENCES [dbo].[DBFile] ([ID])


--initiate the root record
set IDENTITY_INSERT dbfile on
insert into dbfile (id,[Name],parent,type) values(0,'/',0,0)
set IDENTITY_INSERT dbfile off

2. interfaces and implementation
2.1create new file
create procedure usp_DBFile_Ins @parent bigint=0, @fileName varchar(200), @isDirectory bit=0, @fileId bigint output
insert into dbfile ([Name],parent,type) values(@fileName,@parent,case when @isDirectory=0 then 1 else 0 end)
set @fileId= @@identity
2.2 update file's content
create procedure usp_DBFile_upd @fileId bigint, @content varbinary(max)
update DBFile set Content=@content where ID=@fileId
    RAISERROR ('Specified file ID is not existing.',1,1)
    return -1
return 0

2.3 type file content
create procedure usp_TypeFile @fileId bigint
select ID fileId,name fileName,convert(varchar(max),content) from DBFile where ID=@fileId and [TYPE] = 1
if @@ROWCOUNT<1 br="br">    RAISERROR ('Specified ID is not a file.',1,1)

2.4 list directory/file

create procedure usp_ListDir @fileID bigint
WITH dirFiles
--first level directory or file
select ID,name,case when [TYPE]=1 then 'File' else 'Directory' end FileType from DBFile where ID=@fileID
union all
select af.ID,,case when af.[TYPE]=1 then 'File' else 'Directory' end FileType
from DBFile af join dirFiles df on af.Parent=df.ID
where af.ID>0
select * from dirFiles

2.5 Delete file

3. test codes

exec usp_DBFile_Ins 0,'C:',1
exec usp_DBFile_Ins 0,'D:',1
exec usp_DBFile_Ins 1,'testFile.txt',0

select * from dbfile

declare @content varbinary(100)
set @content=convert(varbinary(100),'test content')
exec usp_DBFile_upd 3,@content
exec usp_TypeFile 3

select convert(varchar(100),convert(varbinary(max),'test content'))

exec usp_ListDir 0

declare @fileId bigint
declare @content varbinary(100)
set @content=convert(varbinary(100),'test content. this file is on drive d.')
exec usp_DBFile_Ins 2,'testFileOnD.txt',0,@fileId output
select @fileId
exec usp_DBFile_upd @fileId,@content
exec usp_TypeFile 7
exec usp_ListDir 2

Monitor General Health of SQL Server Database

1.Check the slow queries

The reason why it's slow might be because of blocked by other processes. But it's a good start place for those running slow.

select getdate() runtime,st.text,qs.plan_handle,qs.last_execution_time,qs.last_elapsed_time/1000000.00/60 Duration_minutes from sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(QS.sql_handle) as ST order by last_elapsed_time desc

Take  a look at the slowest queries and try to optimize them. Their execution plan can be retrieved from sys.dm_exec_query_plan ( plan_handle ). use cross apply to add query plan into the result.
Or just pick up on and examine individually.
- get the plan_handle of the query whose plan is going to be examined.
- retrieve the plan
  select * from  sys.dm_exec_query_plan ( plan_handle )
- click on the link to get graphic execution plan for easy reading.

For an execution of procedure, each statement will end up one entry in the sys.dm_exec_query_stats.
the query can be changed to work on the query plan for that proc. then you can focus on the one that uses most of the time to execute.

For example, Change the above query further to work on one specific query plan.

select st.text,qs.plan_handle,qs.last_execution_time,qs.last_elapsed_time/1000000.00/60 Duration_minutes
from sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(QS.sql_handle) as ST
where qs.plan_handle=0x05000900C0DF911440A3FAAF000000000000000000000000
order by last_execution_time asc,last_elapsed_time desc

Checking its execution plan, you will see query 18 is the most costly one, that is also corresponding to the execution duration in the query statistics. Then you will be sure that is the performance bottleneck in that procedure. The rest of the work is to focus on it and tune it.
2. Find idle sessions that have open transactions.
An idle session is one that has no request currently running.

SELECT s.* FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
AS s
--has open transaction
EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.dm_tran_session_transactions AS t WHERE t.session_id = s.session_id )
--no request
AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS r WHERE r.session_id = s.session_id ); 

3. Check the index usages

3.1 check how the indexes are used.

select db_name(iu.database_id)DBName,OBJECT_NAME(iu.object_id) ObjectName, IndexName,iu.*
from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats iu join sys.indexes i on iu.object_id=i.object_id and iu.index_id=i.index_id
join sys.objects o on iu.object_id=o.object_id
where database_id=9 and o.type='U'

3.2 Check  size and fragmentation information: sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats
--the following statement check the index on object 1464392286 in database with id 9.
select * from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(9,1464392286,null,null,null)
Reducing Fragmentation in an Index(

When an index is fragmented in a way that the fragmentation is affecting query performance, there are three choices for reducing fragmentation:

  • Drop and re-create the clustered index.
    Re-creating a clustered index redistributes the data and results in full data pages. The level of fullness can be configured by using the FILLFACTOR option in CREATE INDEX. The drawbacks in this method are that the index is offline during the drop and re-create cycle, and that the operation is atomic. If the index creation is interrupted, the index is not re-created. For more information, see CREATE INDEX (Transact-SQL).
  • Use ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE, the replacement for DBCC INDEXDEFRAG, to reorder the leaf level pages of the index in a logical order. Because this is an online operation, the index is available while the statement is running. The operation can also be interrupted without losing work already completed. The drawback in this method is that it does not do as good a job of reorganizing the data as an index rebuild operation, and it does not update statistics.
  • Use ALTER INDEX REBUILD, the replacement for DBCC DBREINDEX, to rebuild the index online or offline. For more information, see ALTER INDEX (Transact-SQL).
Fragmentation alone is not a sufficient reason to reorganize or rebuild an index. The main effect of fragmentation is that it slows down page read-ahead throughput during index scans. This causes slower response times. If the query workload on a fragmented table or index does not involve scans, because the workload is primarily singleton lookups, removing fragmentation may have no effect.

Reducing Fragmentation in a Heap

To reduce the extent fragmentation of a heap, create a clustered index on the table and then drop the index. This redistributes the data while the clustered index is created. This also makes it as optimal as possible,

4. Identifying missing, duplicate or unused indexes

5. monitoring remaining disk space

6. monitoring performance

7. Check database integrity

8. Remove older data from msdb

and much more......

Monday, September 10, 2012

Which index to use,if one covers another?

This is from an interview question I received.
A table has column A with two indexes.
indexA(column A) 
indexB(column A + multiple columns)

I think this will depend on how the query is written and how other indexes are defined on the table. to verify that, I did experiments.

0. Preparation

create table test(id int identity,a int, b int, c int)
insert into test(a,b,c)
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by a.object_id),RANK() over (order by a.object_id),DENSE_RANK() over (order by a.object_id)
from sys.columns a cross join sys.columns b
create index ix_a on test(a)

create index ix_a_b on test(a,b)
dbcc show_statistics (test,ix_a)
dbcc show_statistics (test,ix_a_b)

Then check the execution plan of queries under different situations.

1. select * from test
This ends up as table scan as expected.
With clustered PK: clustered index scan because table is now the index.

2. select * from test where id<100
Since no index is created on id yet, so table scan is expected. and it is
With clustered PK: clustered index seek instead of table scnan. * from test where a<100
Since a is in both where and select list, index seek on ix_a_b is expected. it chooses wider index because the covering column b is in the select list.
With PK: same ,  but of cause now it has a key lookup instead of rid look up
4. select a from test where a<100
    select a from test where a=100
Here has an interesting observation. In this test, the optimizer chooses ix_a_b over ix_a.
With PK: same

In my another testing, when the table is very wide and no other indexes, it chose ix_a over ix_a_b.
But when a clustered PK was created, the optimizer chose ix_a_b over ix_a.

4.1 Update the statistics and recheck the plan.
update statistics test
it still chooses the ix_a_b

5 Comparison when cost is the same

5.1 with covering index, it chooses wider index.
select a from test where a=100
select a from test with(index(ix_a)) where a=100
it chooses ix_a_b over ix_a

5.2 with uncovering index, in chooses which ever created the first.
select a,c from test where a=100
(select a,c from test with(index(ix_a)) where a=100 to check the cost is the same)
drop index test.ix_a
drop index test.ix_a_b
--change the creation order
create index ix_a_b on test(a,b)
create index ix_a on test(a)
select a,c from test where a=100

6. select a,b from test where a=100
As expected, it chooses ix_a_b since this provides covering on select list.
 With PK: same

Next, Let's experiment how the indexes are used in joining. a.a from test a join test b on a.a=b.a
The optimizer is smart enough to choose ix_a for both tables

With PK: same a.a,a.b from test a join test b on a.a=b.a
The optimizer is smart enough to choose ix_a_b for a and ix_a for b.
 With PK: same

9 select a.a,a.b,a.c from test a join test b on a.a=b.a
This time, table scan for a, ix_a for b. As Expected.

With PK:
table scan becomes index scan
Next, let's take a look at how other indexes effect the optimizer's decisions.

10. build PK on id
Alter table test add constraint pk_test_id primary key clustered (id)

The go back to check the execution plans for the situations having been discussed.


The optimizer choose indexes based on how it caclucate the cost. it calculate the cost
depending on how the query is written, how wide the table is, how wide the index is and
what other indexes/key are defined on the table. Basically, it depends on how the cost is
calculated and a cost is from several aspects such as disk IO and CPU usage.

In a wide table with huge number of records, if these are the only two indexes available, for
the query like “select a from test where a=100”, the optimizer will use ix_a. For a query like
“select a,other columns in ix_a_b from test where a=100”, the optimizer will use ix_a_b since
it provides more cover of the columns in the select list.

In a narrow table, if the cost is similiar, the optimizer chooses wider index over narrower index.
E.G. choose ix_a_b over ix_a on “select a from test where a=100”.