Thursday, March 31, 2016

Polyglot persistence

with polyglot persistence, different storage services delivers what they are best at. working together like a team, is better than putting together like super genius

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Remote Debugging Java Application With Eclipse

This article describes how to use JPDA (Java Platform Debugger Architecture) and an IDE (Eclipse) to remotely debug a Java application of Java based web service.

1. Pass in parameters to start up script

2. start web app or java application

3. In Eclipse, under the service to debug (e.g. bsrouter), select Run -> Debug Configurations...

4. Right-click on Remote Java Application and select New

5. Specify the service to attach to:
Project: where the source code is located
connect type: standard(Socket Attach)
same as what's defined on server side

6. launch debug and set break point