Friday, October 19, 2012

NoLock was blocked

For nolock in SQL Server, it's equivalent to READUNCOMMITTED transaction isolation level. It will not be blocked by other locks event exclusive locks but SCH-M (schema modification lock) because it does put S lock on DB and SCH-S(stability) lock on table.

Today, when I issued a query like "select * from test nolock", it was blocked by an update statement from another connection. I was so confused and began to doubt if my knowledge is solid. :(
Then after a while I realized that for nolock table hint, it does not require WITH keyword, but it needs to be enclosed in brackets\parentheses. In the experimented statement, the nolock was treated as table alias. after correcting it to be "select * from test (nolock)", it executed as expected.

A subtle mistake to me today.

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